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Showing posts from December, 2017

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Computer Applications ; Me This blog houses the findings, lessons and experiences of three students from IIUM during the semester in which they thought taking Linguistics & Literature was a good idea If you're reading this, you'd probably be a fellow student on your way to getting a degree. By all means, please go through this blog and hopefully, insyaallah, something might be of use to you.


RQ 1 : Identifiable characteristics of Language Acquisition ; Formation of rules RQ 2 : How can Corpus be used to facilitate Second Language Acquisition To better see that, we had to define the acquisition process, a comparison between adult speakers who had Aqcuired the language vs young speakers who have yet to Aqcuire the language Limitations 1) Research paper only covers a specific language. 2) Does not cover creoles and learners of multiple languages at the same time 3) The measure of Acquisition is blurred by the analysis. If Young speakers speak a primitive form of the Aqcuired language, lacking only in mental facility and lexicon, does that mean they have aqcuired yet are inept? What about inept older speakers with limited lexicon. How to measure lexicon

CALL assignment

CMC assignment

Reflection 8: Overall summary of the course

This course has taught us how to apply a lot of computer application in helping us to understand more about language and our subjects. It also shows us that we can look at a text from various perspective and mode. Through the class, we broke down the image of a computer and its uses in class, from it being simply a tool in our hands, it became a tool in which its use and applications became clear to us. That there is a clear distinction yet a certain parallelism between computer facilitated discourse and spoken discourse. We find aspects of conversations as in turn taking and FTA's being undergone via digital means, from time stamps and threads, from forum admins and down votes. We wrote of Netiquette, or the general behaviour one should abide by if you wish to have a cohesive ans beneficial discussion, in absence of tone of voice, facial cues, and gestures.

Reflection 7: IoK

Islamization of Knowledge Dr. Mahmud explained deeply and extensively on how knowledge is not evil in nature but it depends on the user of the knowledge for example black magic, we can use it in a good way if we want to protect ourselves from others that may have bad intention towards us.  That there are many avenues in which we can utilize Linguistics in Literature through computer applications. That a computer is not merely a tool for communication but also analysis of which the communication happens. It is in this change that we, as muslims, must always keep up to date, to take note and make use of. In islam, communication is an important aspect of it. The mode of communication between God and Prophet was through the angels. The mode between our Prophet s.a.w and us is through the hadith, divided in its proofing via its Sanad and Matn. In both behaviour carried withing human forums, and digital ones, that a certain decorum and behaviour must be adhered to for a smo...

Reflection 5: CMC FOR THE UMMAH

REFLECTION 5 CMC Reflect on how CMC can be used for the betterment of the Ummah                       Computer mediated communication is a significant and crucial medium in our world today as people are always keeping mobile phone on their side these days information can be acquired and delivered instantaneously through social media or CMC. As Muslim we cannot take this advancement of technology for granted as it can be used for the betterment for our Ummah. We have to use this according to our Islamic rule and do not spread lies and slanderous article. We can use CMC such as forum or Instagram to spread da’wah and spreads the truth about how our Muslim brother are being oppressed and attacked without mercy, and defend them if a debate sprung on the topic of terrorist in every corner of the internet by giving facts and retaliate in an according manner. We can also use these CMC to ask for donation or selling items t...

Reflection 4: Netiquette

REFLECTION 4 Another word for Netiquette can be Intermanner (Internet +   manner) Forum Decorum 1) Always make sure your username is unique. 2) Use Gricean maxims and keep on topic without saying too little or too much. 3) Keep coherent. unintelligible texts will be down voted 4) see and curse words are not to be used unless its the subject matter. 5) Jokes are welcome but do make sure they pay off is worth it and is executed well. Remember. If you don't pull off a good joke, you're the joke. 6) Keep flirting and sexting to Tinder and personal dm's. No one wants to see how you think literaturally how you want to further the human race 7) Don/t start a new thread on a subject that has already been discussed. Further existing threads, do something useful. 8) Always reply to the comment you mean to argue with or cite. If unable to, add link to aforementioned comment or post.  Citation is important to keep the discourse on course. ...

Reflection 3: Madam Mazni

Reflection on Madam Mazni's Presentation  The thhird reflection will highlight on Madam Mazni's presentation in our class. Her presentation was on herr doctorate work on Computer-mediated communication or also known as CMC. She has brilliantly described how tedious and hard the process of getting the findings and result as she had to analyse a huge set of data. Her framework was Negotiation of meaning and her mode was online forum discussion. The benefit of online forum disc ussion is that it assist interaction and help in classroom management and also conducive. She also mentioned software that helps her a lot in her work which is Atlas.ti, it is used to analyze data. The significances of the study are that it brings awareness, provides insight, identifies learner’s need and identifies linguistic strategy.

Reflection 2

2) How can CALL promote self-regulated learning in listening skill or grammar? (how CALL promote the teaching of listening & grammar) CALL has developed greatly in the past few years as many applications are free and available online. CALL is more interesting for students as it does not limit the learning experience in classroom and students can utilize it whenever they are free. For CALL to help or promote self-regulated learning in listening skill or grammar, the application itself should have interesting interface and services that enable the students to evaluate themselves and correct their mistake or better yet, give them motivation that can push them to do better. Feedback can also help instil self-regulated learning in students.

Reflection 1: CALL

Computer Assisted Language Learning 1) Behavioral-Structural  (Tutor)  APA learning drills 2) Communicative (Pupil)  Assignment writing, information discussion 3) Integrative (Tool)  Presentations,  video editing and showcasing.