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Reflection 7: IoK

Islamization of Knowledge

Dr. Mahmud explained deeply and extensively on how knowledge is not evil in nature but it depends on the user of the knowledge for example black magic, we can use it in a good way if we want to protect ourselves from others that may have bad intention towards us. 

That there are many avenues in which we can utilize Linguistics in Literature through computer applications. That a computer is not merely a tool for communication but also analysis of which the communication happens. It is in this change that we, as muslims, must always keep up to date, to take note and make use of.

In islam, communication is an important aspect of it. The mode of communication between God and Prophet was through the angels. The mode between our Prophet s.a.w and us is through the hadith, divided in its proofing via its Sanad and Matn. In both behaviour carried withing human forums, and digital ones, that a certain decorum and behaviour must be adhered to for a smooth and fruitful communion. 

We learned to highlight the differences and changes communication will take when the medium in which the communication happens changes. It is not permissible for a Caliph to simply allow misunderstandings to happen. We must be able to both Iqra and also speak our message to fellow human beings in the best way possible, for that is part of our dakwah, of our religion and of our humanity
